Client Testimonials

Jackie K.
They would hardly ever stay by my side to make sure I was doing my workout the correct way. Plus most of the time we wouldn't go a full hour. We would train for about 50 minutes. In so many words it was very frustrating because here I was spending good money for someone to help me get in shape and they’re not even putting in the time or effort with me as I feel personal trainers should. I ended up eventually stopping the training sessions, (even though I had more sessions to use) because I didn't feel I got what I needed from these two particular trainers.
Until one day about 8 months ago I was looking online for places where they had kickboxing classes (I had always wanted to do kickboxing), and after searching for a while I found Ultimate Kickboxing and Fitness in Redlands. I checked it out a day or two afterward and just so happened talked to Monique at the time and she told me to come and try a few classes and if I liked it then we would talk about signing up. Well, needless to say, I loved it. And I signed up after the first class. About 3-4 weeks later Monique was telling me that she does personal training. (Now being someone like me who had the experiences with the past two trainers I honestly was kind of skeptical, thinking it would be the same way). However, I decided I would give it a chance and I hired her as my personal trainer. The third time was definitely the charm. It turned out to be the best thing I have ever done for myself. There hasn't been one day when we have trained that she has walked away. She stays right by my side making sure I am doing all the moves right so I don't hurt myself. If you have questions about anything she is right there to answer them. If she's having you do an exercise, no matter what it is and it's uncomfortable or starts to hurt (in a bad way). She will find an alternative way to still work the area but you'll be in a more comfortable position.
She works with what you can do. She doesn't push you to do anything you can't do. Don't get me wrong she pushes you as a trainer should but she isn't going to make you do something that you absolutely can't do. If you have certain areas on your body that you want to be shaped more then others, she will help you achieve that. Monique spends the whole hour with me and we get a lot done in that hour. She is a very caring person and wants you to have long lasting results. She really cares about her clients and wants to achieve whatever goal it is that you have for yourself.
I have signed up with Monique 4 times. And will sign up again until my goal is reached. I have never had a trainer be so efficient as she is. She's everything a trainer should be and much more. Not only is she my trainer she is my friend. I am so glad I found her because it has changed my life. Monique's determination gives me determination. We really are a team striving for the same goals that I have been wanting for a long time and am now finally getting through the help of Monique.

It has been two months that I have been training with Monique and I can see a lot of good changes. Not in just my weight and appearance but also in my diet and cravings. I was on many diets before meeting Monique and even though I reduced weight, it started to come back. Now with Monique’s training and nutrition plans, it became very easy to control cravings and adapt on a regular basis. She not only made it comfortable by creating a perfect work out plan that suits my body but also boosted up my confidence levels in this weight loss journey. Every workout is unique and worth trying. Kettlebells are my favorite. I am a beginner to kettlebells. Monique made it easy by teaching every step of it patiently and clearly. She kept track of everything and is always available if I need suggestions. It was a pleasure working with her and I will continue it again. Thank you, Monique.
Olive D.
I used to have severe knee pain from running and short of surgery, nothing seemed to help the pain: acupuncture, NSAIDS, knee bands, wraps, warm compress, cold compress, elevation. Nothing helped my pain. I was a running hypochondriac. I was sure I had knee cancer!
I signed up for personal training with Monique after seeing a sports medicine MD who told me to try strengthening my quad muscles. When I went to Mo, I didn't have a lot of expectations. I thought, "why not". It was like taking another useless Motrin. You take it knowing it wasn't really going to work. Boy was I wrong. Training with Monique has been my salvation! As a trainer, Mo is dynamic, tough and goal-oriented. She customized my exercise routine so I didn't just focus on my quads but my entire core and upper body. She also taught me how to read those confusing labels in every wrapped food item. Oh, so 20G of Fat is not such a great idea?
Don't take this wrong but during workouts, Monique is not your best friend. She's funny but she will make you work. If you expect a wimpy session with 3-minute cardio and 7-minute abs, you're in for a surprise. There's a written exercise plan and she makes you follow it. She will stay with you the whole hour and will not leave you even for a minute so there is no way you can cheat yourself out of a great workout. The best part is, every session is different from the last because she adds variety to the sessions and makes it fun! She's also great at answering phone calls and texts. She's very approachable.Long story short, I don't think I have knee cancer anymore. I tossed my knee bands out; I have way better balance and speed, strong quads, and no more knee pain. Thank You Monique!
-Olive Delizo, RN

Karla & Erica
We started working out with Monique in preparation for our wedding. We participated in her personal training program for 2 months. Monique provided us with a nutritional plan that was easy to follow. We met with her for workouts twice a week and utilized classes as well. Monique was fun, motivational, and helped us to work toward our fitness goals. Not only did she teach us the exercises but she explained the why behind it and always ensured our technique was right! She gave us the tools to continue with the program even after our sessions concluded. Together we lost over 10 inches during our time with Mo!!
-Karla & Erica
Bree D.
When I joined Ultimate Kickboxing and Fitness I was dealing with some difficult circumstances. I was challenged by being a newly single mother. My brother passed away in 2014 so I was working through a lot of grief. Also, I have been in recovery from addictive substances for 16 years and while that is a long time, I still need to work toward maintaining a healthy state of mind, body, and spirit on a daily basis. I had hit a point with myself where I needed to make a big change. The classes offered at Ultimate Kickboxing and Fitness have become an incredible outlet for me to relieve stress, quiet my mind, and get physically healthy. I have always believed that instead of trying to stop unhealthy habits, you just work toward replacing them with healthy ones. After becoming a member in 2017, I started a 4-week kettlebell training with Monique, the owner of the gym, in April 2018. This entire experience made me stronger and calmer. Kettlebells have become an exercise for me to utilize for building muscle, help me with focus and concentration and breathing technique. In the course of the last 2 years I have changed so much, from the inside out. I am leaner, stronger, and most importantly I am happier and more peaceful. I have a place that helps me burn off energy and face whatever difficult circumstances I am going through. Every time I leave the studio, I feel better than before I got there, even on good days!

I was incredibly privileged to receive personal training from Monique. She took time to get to know me and understand the fitness and health challenges I had as a new dad and a busy professional. Her program was tailored to my individual fitness starting point, and it encompassed an entire lifestyle change. For example, I was already eating healthy foods, but she helped to adjust my vegetarian diet to ensure I was getting enough of the nutrients I truly needed to build a stronger body. She is highly experienced in educating Russian kettlebell techniques, TRX, cardio-kickboxing, and various other plyometric techniques for building strength and endurance, and under her training I really felt like I was learning lifelong skills for fitness. She has a safety-first focus that made sure I did not hurt myself or overdo anything, but at the same time did not take away from the challenge that leads to growth. She truly cares me and about all her trainees. I got the impression from Monique that she wants each and every one of her trainees to have what it takes to become confident and independent in their healthy lifestyle. It was amazing to have a trainer who was equally caring and effective! Monique’s excellence also shows in her leadership of Ultimate Kickboxing and Fitness. As the owner and head instructor, Monique has established a wonderful fitness community. The gym has a unique and highly effective approach to fitness that I have not seen replicated anywhere else. Instructors and members alike motivate each other to grow stronger, be healthy, and have fun. Being part of the gym is simply one great way of maintaining and enjoying the healthy lifestyle that personal training with Monique will help you build. ~Andrew